British FEPOWs

I have completed up to ‘C’ in the first stage of ‘British FEPOWs’, started ‘D’ today. When this stage up to ‘Z’ is completed the next stage will be adding ‘Regiments’, ‘Units’, ‘Places of Capture’ and ‘Survived/Died’. My research will be centralised in completing this in the coming Months/Years. Our next Video meeting is Sunday 28th April, when introducing the lower subscription with a Book Draw every month will be discussed. Please add your name to the poll if you would be interested in joining the FEPOW Charity group and help finance the cost of running the web sites (this does not include my time which is freely given) – Keeping the Candle Burning

Japanese Index Cards

The KEW Files which hold the Japanese Index Cards are from WO 345/01 to WO 345/598. Unfortunately, they are not in alphabetical order which makes it hard when researching.

For the last three weeks, I have compiled a database which details which names are in which Index Card KEW files. I have added it to the Research page in the FEPOW Family as others might find it useful.

A further step would be to add the PoWs service number but as there are 58,000 names I have added it would take too long to broaden:-

Hope it is found useful.