Part 8
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Part 8


19. Early in August I received a summons to meet the Prime Minister and C.I.G.S. in Cairo, where the whole position in the Middle East was to be discussed. I also accompanied them to Moscow for conversations with the Soviet Government and General Staff.

So far as India was concerned, the main outcome of these discussions was the decision to relieve the Middle East Command of responsibility for Persia and Iraq, so as to enable it to concentrate on the defeat of Rommel's army and the removal of danger from the Nile Delta. The command of Persia and Iraq, which secured the western frontier of India, had already passed during the war from Middle East to India and then back again. It was now suggested that they should again be placed under the, India. I was willing to accept this additional responsibility, provided that the R.A.F. allotted to these countries was under the control of the A.O.C.-in-C., India. Difficulties arose about this, and it was decided to create a separate Command, P.A.I.C., directly under the War Cabinet. It was decided that India should retain the 2nd British Division which had been provisionally held in readiness to reinforce Persia and Iraq.


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